Comments on: For TV News, Rebuilding Trust Is Core Imperative For Election Year Broadcast Industry News - Television, Cable, On-demand Fri, 22 Dec 2023 15:15:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 04:38:51 +0000 Scripps is being cheap and is just spin with community with more MMJs on the streets seen a promo about not reporting on crime with the youth on Fox17 I haven’t seen the results still reporting on crime if it bleeds it leads. Local news plays in the middle for the most part better than cable news that are just in tribal camps.

By: Former Producer Thu, 14 Dec 2023 20:38:06 +0000 Let’s also not forget that Scripps is saving money in all of this. Yes, the company is hiring more MMJs to cover news and paying them more money to do so. However, Scripps is eliminating a number of news anchor and general manager positions, and is cutting back on production by using pre-recorded news in markets as large as Tampa. That’s money saved! No highly-paid news anchor to sit on set. No highly-paid general manager to sit behind a desk. No need to pay overtime to overworked producers and directors in order to get a newscast on the air.

It could also be a way for Scripps to eventually attract prospective buyers. Yes, as far as I know, Scripps is NOT for sale. But it’s common for companies to cut costs and say, “Hey, potential buyer, our balance sheet shows lower operating costs and higher revenue. How about some merger and acquisition activity?” I worked for a now-defunct broadcaster that used the same strategy.

Scripps deserves credit for at least trying something different. But this is as much — if not more — about money as it is about viewer trust.

By: TrueBroadcasterGO1965 Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:35:42 +0000 100% agree with Beyond the Beltway. I’ve seen Mr. McShane on NewsNation and he does a really good job. They’ve also turned Cuomo into someone who has a moderate view and not extreme talking points from either side of the aisle. Media distrust started going down hill when newspaper editorials spent so much time in a room deciding who they’d endorse, what a joke. Let American’s make up their own minds, they all live differently than a reporter.

By: BeyondTheBeltway Thu, 14 Dec 2023 14:28:24 +0000 Distrust of news is healthy. Reporting on hyper local news does nothing to create trust. It is a gimmick to create the illusion of caring and credibility. Try hiring reporters who aren’t part of the left wing media cult. Diversity of political opinions in reporting is the only solution. Stop doing the thinking for your viewers. Stop insulting their intelligence. Let them figure it out. TV news is intellectually boring.
